Frstladylsm Poets Page


Blistered fingers...
a heart scarred chick charged
with misdemeanors...
cause she..
choked her pen with violence
and left bruises on her paper...
gave up the ghost of beligerance...
took a deep breath...
exhaled diligence....
leaving her equivilant to...
when her victorious moment came..
shame left her body...
for she cried no more...
sighed no more...
melancholy life no more...
open doors...swung open...
giving her ample options of
all becuase she...
prayed to him...
surrendered to him...
rejoiced his name through the storm...
worshiped him...
stepped to the side and let him
show her enemies whos GOD...
and she's smling now...
laughing now...
looking down no more...
forgiven sins from her past...
pain comes but never last...
just grasp the concept im getting at....
TRUTH is in my lines if you read between them..
this poetic vent...a reflection of me....

Written by Frstladylsm

Frstladylsm Poets Page